Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blog 20a - post schematic sturcure for webessay

I want to use an outline essay with nodes. The nodes will be on top of the webpage and when you click on a node it will take you the description.

Home page: I want to make this a colorful screen with pictures and different fonts.

Node 1: This will have the word "Hyper Attention", and when user clicks on this word it gives you the meaning and inform on the article it came from. Maybe I will include the wikipedia edit on hyper attention.

Node 2: This will have the word "Deep Attention" click on it and you will get the meaning and I want to put some pictures if front page will allow.

Node 3: A picture of a class room using deep attention with some information

Node 4: Some benefits of deep attention.

A lot of educators and parents have not heard of Hyper attention and this was evident when it was not listed on wikipedia, but multitasking was on their. This is true because Hayles coined that name Hyper attention. So the information and the defination will help educate the user.

Blog 20 - post draft for reflective essay

My reflective essay will be on:

E Lit
Hyper Attention
History of Technology

I want to write about the influence of technology on my life but I can't think of the words to use as a focus. I am also trying to see how each reading have or have not impacted my life.

So maybe, I will focus on the generational gap between my generation and the media generation. But I was looking at my notes and maybe I will focus on technology impact on pring world and why.

I like each reading and each was completely new experience to me. The one that I did not know the name for but or did not know I was a participant is PROUSAGE. I like that I am or can be a prouser. That related to the wikipedia article which my posting or my edit is still up.

I have my seven readings and now I must connect them.

Blog 19 - free blog or patterns for attending

Like what I stated in the previous blog, I am a deep attention person who is trying to be more hyper attention. So I am trying to look beyond they typical learning and heard some classmates talk about cleaning. Yes, maybe in this area I am more hyper attention because when I clean the house I put music on but I thought or did that to motivate my children to clean the house. The music helps them move. I do dance when I clean so in that aspect I guess I am hyper attention.

Blog 18a -write about patterns for attending

I was mixed up with the blogs so I will use alphabets and write out the topic. I will do the syllabus's blogs then the blog assignment on your web page.

My pattern for attention as you have already guest is deep attention. I think that I use deep attention more so than hyper attention because that is the way I was trained in school. I did not have all this media or digital exposure during my school years and that makes a hugh difference. I look at both me and my children and they do deep attention only when they want to solve a problem. I also think that their brain moves faster than mine. I am not saying that one way is smarter than the other, but I believe that it depends on a person's exposure to digital things and the way they teach them in school.

When I went to school it was only the teacher and book and library, but now the computers or technology is in the school system which in my opinion is great. With the technology you can learn more than just one way of doing something. I have more exposure to technology now so much so that I brought myself a laptop. My children use it more than me but I do use it sometimes. I like this new medium in which the people can be deep or hyper attention. I am trying to be more hyper attention but when I am it slows down my work process.

This exercise was good it helped to explain the difference and help me understand the technologic gap with my children and me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Blog 18

Well I use my cell and get on the internet and use my navigator system on my cell. I like the tv alot and find that if someone is talking to me I shut down. Especially when I watch "the young and the restless". I zone out and I don't like to be interrupted. Now my cell is different when it's just sitting on my bed or I am not using it, I like to take it and check my email or do local searches on the navigation system.

When I was 5, or 10 or even 15 computers were not a available as it is now. So my media is not so much the internet as my 15, and 13 year old. They were exp0sed to a computer at a very early age and I was not so they are more familiar with the technology than me.

I can spend all day with the tv and love it. Sometimes I will read a book, but that is when I go out or drive my children around and want to give them some independence. I will drop them off and sit in my car and read a book. So I guess that my prefered media is tv and reading a book not off the computer. I just brought a laptop and for right now I only use it to see the soap opera I missed earilier.

I use pencil and paper to do math. I learned to divide/multiply and calculate in my head so I rarely us a calculator. I remember going to school in Trinidad for 1 year and we had to do long division and get it correct the first time or the teacher/a nun would hit us on our hand with a ruler. Now I have learned to do my paper first on the computer, but I learned that this years. Before I would do it on paper then transfer it on the computer. But now I feel I have progressed and I put it on the computer first. I study using the material the prof gave me which is normally my notes, which I rewrite or the book from the class and I ask myself question from the book. For research I go to the library because I dont rely on the information from wikipedia.

I drive with the radio on and only when I don't know where I am going do I use technology. Twice a week my family eats out but most of the meals I cook at home. I wish their was a robot to clean( but I do listen to music and solve no problems when I clean), do lanudry, and cook so I would not have to but for now the robot is me. I would gladly use a technology that can fix your car for free because now it is to expensive. I just went to the shop and brakes, fuel-injection, and oil change cost me $654.00 and that is too expensive.

5)like I said in point 1, if I have a day off or I got a chance to relax I would watch tv. When I watch tv I use deep attention.

Analyzing your patterns for attention:
I am a 3 which is a person who uses deep attention when I do daily activities. I dont like to much noise or distraction. When I do my homework I wait until everyone in my house is asleep and I do my work because the noise gets on my nerves.

Samething I am a deep attention person. I don't like a lot of stimuli around me when I am working.

6)Questions to think about.
In none of the categories would I use Hyper attention. Even when my children argue and bring the problem to me I have to listen to them one at a time. And even who I pick first is a problem so we do "eneey-meeny-myni-moe" to choose who goes first.
I feel that I do deep attention because I learned to do it that way.
My pattern of attention is deep attention.

Blog 17 - Final Draft hypertext

When I sub-teach I realize the children are doing too many things at once. I normally sub in the preschool room and watch how the learn or interact with one another. This is the age that, as a teacher, you introduce school and learning to the preschoolers. Before that they were home with mom or dad and some did or did not have structure. Some know their alphabets and some don't. Some know Their numbers and some don't. It is the job of both parent and teacher to get them on level (whatever that is defined by the school system the preschoolers are in) and prepare them for their next grade. Prek takes them out of the home atmosphere and get them familiar with the classroom. I watch when they play which is a form of learning. It teaches the preschooler to share, communicate, and be independ from parents. During play they spend time in one area at a time. Such as reading center, building center, color or art center, and the grocery store. These center focus on specific learning abilities, for example; the reading center deals with reading and listen to the person read the book and following along. The building center is where the blocks are and it teaches the child to be creative, build whatever you want. These centers have a specific purpose so with this being said "Preschoolers should learn focusing on Deep attention".
Most school systems normally, in schools toddlers and or preschoolers learn a subject for 30 to 45 minutes. For instance they may spend that time learning colors, or numbers and sometimes both but that is not multitasking. When they learn colors or numbers they are related and it is not two completely different things. And they do learn different subjects at different time of the day. They also learn to share during play time and even that is separated. There is the reading center, the block center, art center, and a few other centers depending on the school. But these centers is where the toddler learns to share, communication, negotiate, planning ( to spend a different amount of time in a particular center), and most important independence(learning to solve a problem on their own with out parents).
So with these important life skills as an educator I want them to master these skills and once they have mastered these skills they can build on their foundation.

As an educator I must communicate to the parents of my toddlers or preschoolers that multitasking is not something they should introduce to their child at this particular age. Deep attention is what is benefitial now and the best learning stragedy.

Deep Attention as Katherine Hayles describes is the cognitive style tradtionally asssociated with the humanities, is characterized by concentrating on a single object for long peroids, ignoring ourside stimui while so engaged, preferring a single information stream, and having a high tolerance for long focus times.

As a parent and teacher I prefer the preschooler learns by deep attention vs hyper attention/multitasking.

According to Hayles article "Hyper and Deep Attention:The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes" by Katherine Hayles. This article tells or explains multitasking or in some circles Hyper Attention is a genertation mindset. Multitasking or Hyper Attention is when a person performs more than just one task at a time. For example, if you are on the computer and are listing to your favorite itunes, than that is considered multiasking. Hayles talks about hyper attention as something new and is more evident in the generation that has been exposed to the computer. Hayles compares the mindsets and the person who is more likely to do multitasking. For instance, a person of my age (thirtyish) would not likely be considered a hyper attention person because our exposure was to do or be committed to one task at a time, which is called Deep attention. Deep attention is for example when a person focus on one task at a time like reading a book.

Hayles gives a good description of hyper and deep attention and the generational divide between hyper attention people and deep attention people. The mindset or the picutre of the mindset helps the reader identify which group they belong to.

Another article"you say multitasking like it's a good thing" by Charles J. Abate. This article tells us that multitasking was "coined in the computer engineering industry. In that context, it denotes the ability of microprocessor(the brain of a computer) to process seceral tasks simultaneously. Ironically, even the paradigmatic use of this term is demonstrably false. Microprocessors, as well as their current programmable cousins, cannot literally perform several tasks simultaneously. They are inherently linear in their operation and can perform only one task at a time" (pg 38). "When I use the term "multitasking I refer to an attempt by individuals to engage in several tasks in rapid linear succession (rather than simultaneously)."I agree with both articles, first you have to understand the word multitasking/hyper attention to see if it is benefical to young learners.
And the Hayles article helps us clarify hyper attention/deep attention as well as telling us the mindset. Now the article by Abate compares the human mind to a computer and tells us the falsehood of multitasking and the harm it will cause our young learners.
It is better to learn one thing at a time and when you a now learning information like the toddlers and preschoolers it is better to focus on the one task at a time. Yes we have made great advances in technology but that still does not or should not replace deep attention or deep learning. Maybe later on in school, like middle schooolers years you can introduce multitasking to that generation but all our children need a solid foundation and multitasking doesnot provide that. As Abate states it is a falsehood.

Hyper/Deep Attention Presentation

Hyper attention as Katherine Hayles describes it is "Characterized by switching focus rapidly among different tasks, preferring multiple information streams, seeking a high level of stimulation, and having a low tolerence for bordedom."(pg 187) Multitasking is the same as hyper attention more than one stimuli.

Deep Atention also as Hayles describes is the cognitive style traditionally associated with the humanities, is characterized by concentrating on a single object for long periods(say, a novel by Dickens?, ignoring ouside stimuli while so engaged, preferring a single information stream, and having a high tolerance for long focus times." (pg 187)

Charles J. Abate
The Article "You say multiasking like it's a good thing" says multitasking is a myth. Term "multitasking" came from computer engineering industry.
--Microrprocessors cannot literally perform several tasks simutaneously. They are inherently linear in their operation and can perform only one task at a time.(pg38)
--So when we use "multitasking" it's an attempt by individuals to engage in several tasks in rapid linear succession (rather than simutaneously) where at least one of the tasks is a conceptual learning activity.
--Learning as defined by Webster is to gain knowledge, understand or skill by study or experience; memorize.
--For instance, when I am driving with the music blasting and I realize I am lost I turn down the volume to focus on finding my way. This article states that real learning can only happen one process at a time.