Monday, April 6, 2009

Blog 18

Well I use my cell and get on the internet and use my navigator system on my cell. I like the tv alot and find that if someone is talking to me I shut down. Especially when I watch "the young and the restless". I zone out and I don't like to be interrupted. Now my cell is different when it's just sitting on my bed or I am not using it, I like to take it and check my email or do local searches on the navigation system.

When I was 5, or 10 or even 15 computers were not a available as it is now. So my media is not so much the internet as my 15, and 13 year old. They were exp0sed to a computer at a very early age and I was not so they are more familiar with the technology than me.

I can spend all day with the tv and love it. Sometimes I will read a book, but that is when I go out or drive my children around and want to give them some independence. I will drop them off and sit in my car and read a book. So I guess that my prefered media is tv and reading a book not off the computer. I just brought a laptop and for right now I only use it to see the soap opera I missed earilier.

I use pencil and paper to do math. I learned to divide/multiply and calculate in my head so I rarely us a calculator. I remember going to school in Trinidad for 1 year and we had to do long division and get it correct the first time or the teacher/a nun would hit us on our hand with a ruler. Now I have learned to do my paper first on the computer, but I learned that this years. Before I would do it on paper then transfer it on the computer. But now I feel I have progressed and I put it on the computer first. I study using the material the prof gave me which is normally my notes, which I rewrite or the book from the class and I ask myself question from the book. For research I go to the library because I dont rely on the information from wikipedia.

I drive with the radio on and only when I don't know where I am going do I use technology. Twice a week my family eats out but most of the meals I cook at home. I wish their was a robot to clean( but I do listen to music and solve no problems when I clean), do lanudry, and cook so I would not have to but for now the robot is me. I would gladly use a technology that can fix your car for free because now it is to expensive. I just went to the shop and brakes, fuel-injection, and oil change cost me $654.00 and that is too expensive.

5)like I said in point 1, if I have a day off or I got a chance to relax I would watch tv. When I watch tv I use deep attention.

Analyzing your patterns for attention:
I am a 3 which is a person who uses deep attention when I do daily activities. I dont like to much noise or distraction. When I do my homework I wait until everyone in my house is asleep and I do my work because the noise gets on my nerves.

Samething I am a deep attention person. I don't like a lot of stimuli around me when I am working.

6)Questions to think about.
In none of the categories would I use Hyper attention. Even when my children argue and bring the problem to me I have to listen to them one at a time. And even who I pick first is a problem so we do "eneey-meeny-myni-moe" to choose who goes first.
I feel that I do deep attention because I learned to do it that way.
My pattern of attention is deep attention.

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