Monday, March 30, 2009

Blog 14a Hypertexting

I think this is what I am suppose to write about for this blog. I will use the outline format for my hypertext project.

Blog 15 Wiki update

OK so now I am having fun with my wiki post. The last time I wrote or edited the wiki page they took me down immediately. I wrote using the name missysmith300. So over the weekend I want to post something that would sound reliable. I tried getting back on missysmith300 but I forgot my password. So I created a new name missysmith181 and I edited the Human Multitasking page and I used my article My Edit starts with "The term miltitasking". And the post has not been taken down. I feel real good. I checked it when I woke up this morning and still it is up their. I choose this page because I don't believe humans can do multitasking and the article I attained supports my feeling.

When I first edited a page it was bad. I did not sound like I knew what I was talking about and I did not list an reference point. But this last time I looked at what was writing above where I would write and I followed the same tone (because that was my opinion also). But I think that if I did not use or reference the article they would have taken me down. The article showed authenticity and a reliable source. I guess this topic is fun at least as long as my edit stays up I enjoyed using wiki.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blog 14

Revised Research Plan

1)Statement of Purpose:
Should Toddlers Multitask?
In doing my research some parents see multitasking as a benefit for their toddlers, but also their are some research that feel our" brains are linear and incapable of perform two seprate tasks simutaneously"(from article "You say multitasking like it's a good thing" by Charles J. Abate).

Then you have an article by Katherine Hayles "Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes" and this article talks about Hyper and Deep Attention and the mindsets that support each function.

I will also supply websites that support or does not support each point whether multitasking, hyper/deep attention.

2)Detailed statement of your resesrch question:
I want to research Should toodlers multitask and if they do is it modeling or ture multitasking. And with the influence of the digital element in our lives, why are we talking more about multitasking/hyper attention versus deep attention?

3)List of information I gathered:

"Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive model", article by Katherine Hayles.

"You say multitasking like it's a good thing" by Charles J. Abate.

4)A preliminary list of surces:
That was the previous list.

5)A plan for gathering your information:
Most of the website think multitasking is a benefit. I will use the two articles and reference them more than the websites because the articles are from my mindset which is a toddler should focus on one thing at a time.

I hope this question is a strong one (Should Toddlers Multitask?)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Blog 13

My users for my website will be teachers, and parents.

Using the grids on pg 83
-I want to give a defination of Multitasking, Hyper Attention, Deep Attention, Tell the difference between ADHD.

Then with the TEACHERS (the group I am using as example) do
-benefits of multitasking and how effect learning
-disadvantages of multitasking and learning process

They can access information by reading outline. And I will use the outlined/ spoked that is on page 73-74 in "designing Websites".

I am still working out the process. If anyone have helpful information, I would welcome it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog 12

So like I was saying about Hyper Attention/ Deep Attention/ Multitasking in blog 11, that it is so new most people don't even see it as a real thing. There is a lot of information on wikipedia about ADHD but that is Hyper Activity which has lead to the difficulty of a person to not focus. With Hyper Attention is like multitasking which is focusing on many things at once. Deep Attention is focusing on one thing at once. The question is not focusing (ADHD) but on how you focus and which way of focusing is best. And how you focus has to do with your mindset( more information when we do our presentation).

So with all this being said my wikipedia article was taken down before I left class and everyday after. I put it on and they take it down. I use articles and they take it down. And I think they take it down because the think it is ADHD.

So I will keep trying but I know they will just take it down.

Blog 11

After reading the first 3 chapters in the book, I went and looked at some educational sites. Then I went and looked at some school sites both were for readers and I am looking for a user friendly site. I am still looking but I have not found a site that I would like to include on my blog.

My audience will be for both parents and educators. These two groups would benefit with my research on Hyper Attention/ Deep Attention / Multitasking in preschoolers. With these two groups I need to have a balance of reading and using on my site. I don't want to bore them because they will loose interest. And I don't want my site to be just completely "user" then I would loose the importance of the material.

The purpose of this site is to inform and educate anyone especially educators and parents on the effects ,if any, of Hyper Attention/ Deep Attention/ Multitasking have on our preschoolers. I will include what those three words mean, the mindsite behind each word, and the benefit or disadvantages.

Will be the preschooler and which of the three connects to a stronger learner and which of these is a distraction. Most parents don't even know Hyper Attention exist ( and that will be discussed furthet in blog 12). Everyone knows about multitasking but for older children and adults. So it would be interesting (for me at least) to research this HyperAttention/Deep Attention/ Multitasking in preschoolers.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blog 10

My web/hyper text assignment will be on Hyper Attention in the pre-schoolers K-3 grade level(multitasking/ Deep attention). Unlike Celia who is researching Generation M. I choose preschoolers because that is the area of teaching I will be going into. I want to investigate the pros and cons of hyper attention/ deep attention in that age group.

I learned in child psychology that by the time we reach the age of 6 all the brain cells we will ever have for our entire life are formed. And all the characteristic we have at 6, is the same characteristic we have now,as adults. I also know if you want to teach a child a new language you should do it before 5 years old, because it is much easier to learn during the first 5 years. So much growth in the brain goes on during birth to 6 years old. We may loose some brain cells throughout our lives by the over use of drug or with any type of brain surgery. But we will never produce any new brain cells. Did you ever see the "No Drugs" commerical where there is an egg in a pot cooking on the stove and the commentator says "this is your brains on drugs". Well that is true. Once we loose those brain cells, we can never create new ones.

During an Oprah show, a little girl who was deprived of any social interactions or stimulus of any kind for an expented period of time. So because of the lack of stimuli she lost brain cells and they will never be replaced.

I want to see the effects (if any) on our preschoolers with hyper attention/ multitasking/deep attention during those formative years. Also Alison gave me an article on "You say multitasking like it's a good thing" by Charles J. Abate. This article came from the NEATODAY magazine, which is a teaching magazine. Charles Abate is a professor of electrical and computer engineering techonolgy at Onondaga Community College, in Syracuse, New York, where he has taught for the past 25 years. I will be using this article in my research, as well as other articles, links and anything interesting that I can find. Thanks Alison.

Some questions I will try to answer:

Is hyper attention/multitasking/deep attention a plus or minus for children k-3?

How does this effect their learning abilities in school or home?

Is their anything parents or schools can do to help or hinder hyper attention/ multitasking/
deep attention?

Is this a good or bad stimuli for this age group?

What amount of stimuli is good for preschoolers?

Do preschoolers model their parents technological behavior?

At what age do parents introduce computers to a child?

This topic is really interesting to me being I am both mother and soon to be educator, and I want to see how this effects or children specially preschoolers.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Blog 9

"The Key Characteristics of Produsage"

This article was interesting. It showed the "Traditional" ways companies dealt with the production. This was not a benefit to the consumer (me). I had no active role in the production of the product. The traditional way kept me, the consumer out. For example on page 10, it showed the consumers of Ford Motor Company, "you can have any color you like, as long as it's black." This was how they use to treat (us) the consumer, big companies treated us as though we were brainless ATM machines that will just buy what they produce. But moving from the industrial to an informational economy, the consumers have more of an active role. Now we have a networked information economy which is the decentralization of individual action. This means I can participate in the production, and my imput was now needed and required. My voice counted and that was always a good thing. von Hippel (pg 14) called it "hive minds" that were communities or networks of individuals or organizations that redezvous around an information commons, and open to all equal terms. Now with the internet and the WWW, I the consumer can go to a site (that site gets a hit, and the hit shows how many people needed that information, also shows the popularity of a site) and show my interest in the information on that site. So by my actions I have participated and became active in that site being up and running. Still on page 14 "for consumers turned users, the media are no longer "something that is done to them", as Shirky had descrived to the tratitional model; they become much more actively involved in shaping their won media and network usage".

Connections to;

1)Flashmob - the connection to this article and the flashmob was that as an individual my opinion counts or my participation counts. With the flashmob concept by using text messages to get a group of people in a particular place at a particular time was an extension of produsage. The flashmob they want me to phyiscally show up and dance, sing , kiss or whatever. So as an individual I am participating but in a more physical way.

2)Wikipedia - has the connection to this article again as an individual, but an individual with some facts on the topic at hand. Wikipedia is like the "hive mind." Yes, I can participate but I must be ready to prove my opinions. I can't just put something on wikipedia without being challenged on that information. Yes, I can participate but it must be responsible.

3)Remediation - produsage is a good example of remediation which is a tradition that was changed by technology. Because of technology I don't have to pick the color of a car by what I see infront of me. Now I can request the color I want and if the car company wants my sale they must produce the color I want. The traditional production had consumers as inactive just brainless checkbooks, but now with the network information economy the consumers were now active. You can see this with the colors of some cars you driving on the streets. The rust color car was not the average or standard car color. But now you see that color, because some consumers requested that color, and the car companies (not wanting to loose a sale) created that color to please that consumer. Instead of the company picking the colors for consumer, the consumer can request the color they want.

4)Internet Mindset - produsage connects with the article by Lankshear and Knobel. Produsage would connect with mindset 2, which shows the world as "decentered". That means (if I were thinking in Mindset 2) that my opionion counts and that I can/will effect change because I am part of a collective of others that feel rust would be a nice color for a car.