Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blog 14

Revised Research Plan

1)Statement of Purpose:
Should Toddlers Multitask?
In doing my research some parents see multitasking as a benefit for their toddlers, but also their are some research that feel our" brains are linear and incapable of perform two seprate tasks simutaneously"(from article "You say multitasking like it's a good thing" by Charles J. Abate).

Then you have an article by Katherine Hayles "Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes" and this article talks about Hyper and Deep Attention and the mindsets that support each function.

I will also supply websites that support or does not support each point whether multitasking, hyper/deep attention.

2)Detailed statement of your resesrch question:
I want to research Should toodlers multitask and if they do is it modeling or ture multitasking. And with the influence of the digital element in our lives, why are we talking more about multitasking/hyper attention versus deep attention?

3)List of information I gathered:

"Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive model", article by Katherine Hayles.

"You say multitasking like it's a good thing" by Charles J. Abate.

4)A preliminary list of surces:
That was the previous list.

5)A plan for gathering your information:
Most of the website think multitasking is a benefit. I will use the two articles and reference them more than the websites because the articles are from my mindset which is a toddler should focus on one thing at a time.

I hope this question is a strong one (Should Toddlers Multitask?)

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